Friday, January 15, 2010


Dr. Mohler wrote an excellent response to the crisis in Haiti. You can read it at:


  1. Very well thought out article. Too often believers rush to conclusions before thinking of what is really going on. In every tragedy, 911, katrina etc. God used those events to fulfill his plans and purposes, sometimes we are to stuborn or faithless to admit that what appears as judgment might be redemtion or awakening. It can often be all three Judgment that leads to drawing of sinners to salvation and revival of believers.
    I enjoyed this article, thanks for posting it Shane.
    PS I hope and pray that you, Jess and the girls are doing well and being blessed!

  2. fogot to say that i thought this was excelent and refered it on to others. Been reading and studying Job and felt like PR's response was so like Job's friends in their wrong council that God asks them to repent of later. So, thanks for sharing it.
