Saturday, August 29, 2009

We are still trying to settle into our new life here in Louisville KY. Today, we will go on an exploration adventure to discover a nearby lake and do some hiking out of the city.

We are very thankful that the Lord has provided a job opportunity for me to teach riding lessons at a barn about 25 minutes away. The facility is beautiful with an indoor arena and trails to ride. The trainer is very laid back and seems to be a good person to work with. I am excited about this opportunity because I can work part time hours and make a full time income hopefully covering all our expenses so Shane would not have to work. It would be grand if he could just concentrate on school and family. Keep praying that God would bring the clients and hours to provide for our needs and that it would be a good safe working environment.

I am also exploring where I will get my groceries and supplies and how to get there. It seems I make a wrong turn at least once every time I go out into the city, I am such a country girl! But none-the-less, I am slowly learning my way around.

I had my first Seminary Wives Class on Thursday night. It is called Biblical Parenting and we are reading "Instructing a Child's Heart" by Tedd and Margy Tripp. It looks like it will be a great class and I am excited for the spiritual stimulation. Also, I found out I can watch the chapels live on TV from my home. This is great news to me because I really wanted to attend them but didn't know how it would work with the girls. This way I can work on training them to sit through a service and enjoy chapel in my own home.

I miss my family, church family and wide open spaces of my home in California, but despite this, I love my new home, apartment and I am content. For a city, Louisville really is pretty. The Lord has taken care of everything for me big and small. Praise our loving, providing, mighty God. I am so thankful to Him for all that He gives.



  1. Hey Guys! Glad I found you from Tricia's blog! So good to hear how you are doing. My grandma lives over the river in New Albany (my parents grew up in Charlestown)! Amazing that you are so close. Louisville is a pretty town for sure and very quaint but thats my remembrance, it's been a few years since I was there. (did you know I was born there?)
    I am so glad to hear God is providing for your needs and even your schedule. You are in the right country for horses lady!:)
    alicia O.

  2. great news about the job. I will keep praying for clients for you.

  3. so good to hear an update! i'm thinking about you tonight because i have some questions for you. i need to email you, but first i need to remember what your email address is! :)

  4. Oh, Jess..I miss you! It's funny that we never really took advantage of getting together (as frequently as we could have...) and it isn't until after you leave, that I regret it terribly! I'm so excited to see you on here..I had no idea you and Shane had a blog! What a great way to keep in touch. How are you and your family?? How are the girls adjusting?? and you? the weather, the location, less "owned" property/more free hiking no maintanence property:), more fun attractions?? There must be so much to do there, and all the pictures so far are beautiful! I was wondering if you could e-mail me your home address? I wanted to mail something the other day, and realized you live at a totally different address than I had! Love you and miss you immensly:) xo Kendall
