Monday, September 27, 2010

Nothing But Girls

Well, its official... In this sander home we have nothing but girls. Yes, I am 20 weeks and had our ultra sound and it is another girl. We are all rejoicing at the blessing of another daughter and the girls are excited to have another sister, however, I think we all hoped a little that we would have a boy. But praise the Lord all is well with baby and myself and He knows what we need and what is best! I knew there was a reason I packed at least 4 cosco diaper boxes full of girls clothing. What a good use of resources! So thankfully I won't need too much and I think I have something lined up to get what we do need, so may the Lord provide yet again. He is so faithful to us and is, as always, so gracious and generous. I know many of you have asked what we were having... so here you have it. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!


  1. YEA! We are so excited for you all! We love you guys and miss you!
    M & J and Mx6

  2. You always did like the book/movie "Little Women!" We are thrilled to have another wee granddaughter - they are all so precious :)
