Sunday, August 23, 2009

Finally a post from Jess

Well this will be brief for now, but I am finally entering a post myself. The Lord has been so gracious to us, going ever before us, paving the way in this new adventure.

I really enjoy our new apartment and am thankful to be so established and unpacked a mere two weeks later. Although it is an adjustment to be in an apartment in town.

I am seeking to secure a position as an instructor at two different barns here in the area. I can make really good money per hour and am hoping to be able to work part time and make enough so Shane would not have to work and he can have time with the girls and focus on his studies. I am also praying for a childcare position to become available where maybe I could watch an infant or baby in my home and make income without ever leaving home. So please keep this in your prayers.

Otherwise I am trying to find where I will get groceries and supplies and how to get there. We are trying to establish some routine and I am hoping to begin Kate's schooling in a few weeks.

I miss all my friends and family from home and also my family at Cornerstone. God bless you all!



  1. it is great to hear that things are going so well for you guys. I will be praying about your job situation.

  2. Check out You can post your profile about your experience, who you are, what times you're available, what you charge, etc. And you can look up postings for people looking for both long and short term gigs. I used it in San Diego and a little bit up here in Seattle, and it's been great for making connections! -Stephanie (Paulus) Larsen
