Sunday, May 16, 2010

Well, we are still alive. It has been a long time since posting and I apologize! We are doing very well. Finals finished a week ago and so my first year of seminary is behind us! I am taking a short break and then I will begin working on my summer classes.

The past month has been very busy. Between studying and preparing for the end of the semester, we have been blessed to have several visitors over the last four weeks. In fact, we have had visitors from out of town every week since the 2nd week of April! It has been wonderful to see friends and family from California. Jess' parents were here last and we had a very blessed time with them last weekend.

Kate and Rose turned 6 and 4 in April. We went to the zoo here in Louisville for their birthday. It is a nice zoo and we had a good time there. They also got new bikes for their birthday and were very excited. Here are a few pictures from the zoo and the girls with their new bikes.

Kate and Rose have been having swimming lessons with Aimee and are enjoying that very much. Their last lesson they jumped off of the diving board so they were pretty excited about that.

We keep trying to go camping, but our plans have been foiled as we have had a lot of storms lately. However, the storms are fun.....except for the storms that come with tornado watches. I can do without those! We are hoping to be able to go camping tomorrow if the weather lets us, but we'll see! We are also planning on trying to go to Montana this summer in July. Hopefully that will work out because these country people are anxious for some extended time away from the city! Well, that is all for now! Thank you for your prayers and support!


1 comment:

  1. It is great to hear everything is going so well there. I love seeing the pictures.
