Well....those are similar descriptions of my new endeavor to........roller blade. Yep, that's right; the redneck is trying to be a sophisticated, coordinated, somewhat graceful city recreationist. It is probably like Larry the Cable Guy deciding to try and be the PR director for the Queen of England!
Right now, my main focus is trying to stay alive. This is now my third week and I have yet to make a trip to the hospital. I count this a blessing, as well as evidence that God still moves in supernatural ways. I must say the safety equipment I purchased may not make me look cool, but it does significantly reduce the scarring process. The first two weeks I think I probably resembled a wind sock in a tornado as I swirled around, desperately trying to keep from slamming into the ground. Lets just say I regularly experienced whiplash like being rear ended in a car by another car doing 65......several times over within a short period of time.
Jess and I started rollerblading together because we wanted something we could do together outdoors when we had only an hour or so. We also wanted something that would serve as exercise. Because my legs feel like Jello when I am done and I walk like Gumby, I think it works. So far though, it has been fun! There is a very large parking lot next to our apartment that is usually empty. So, we go out there and rollerblade while the girls run around and play. It allows all of us to be outside and get some physical activity.
Well, that is our new activity to debrief after a long day of classes and studying! So far it works great to take my mind off of things. This is because the only thing I can think of is keeping from seriously injuring myself. At first, my thoughts were "I'm gonna die; I'm gonna die; I gonna die; I'm going to crash really hard and then I'm gonna die." Once I get better, I am sure I can figure out a way to use this as a resource for huntin and shootin. I know there is an olympic sport of skiing and shooting. Maybe I can figure something out related to that!
Enjoy the pictures and blessings!
It's working! You (Shane) look thinner already!